Psychic Body Scanning™

Each of us has a Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional energy body as well as a Physical one. In her Psychic Body Scanning™, Frances Kathryn attunes to all of your energy bodies to identify areas of blocked energy and explains the root cause to you.  To be in optimal health your energy must move feely through and around each of your energy bodies at all times.

Everything that is experienced in the Physical body in the way of pain, discomfort or dis-ease first originated in the Mental body as a result of limiting beliefs taken on from the life experiences we’ve had. We begin life fully open and aligned with Spirit.  Then as we grow and have life experiences we make conclusions and to take on beliefs which limit us and impede the flow of energy around and through our bodies when they are not the Truth of who we are as Spiritual Beings.  If we do not become aware of and correct these limiting beliefs on the Mental level where they are created, they will cause the flow of energy in the Mental body to become blocked.  It then progresses on to the Emotional energy body.  Again if limiting beliefs are not caught and corrected at that level, they will have the same impact of impeding the flow of energy to and around the Emotional energy body, as well.  Finally, the Physical energy body begins to display pain, discomfort, and/or dis-ease once the progression has reached this level if not caught and corrected beforehand.  All of this is simply a natural process flow intended to assist us in restoring balance/healing.  It is an attempt to inform us that we are off track – by holding beliefs which are limiting and do not serve our greatest good.  The symptom and location of the physical problem within the body provides information as to the beliefs involved.

Physical problems are simply our body’s way of communicating with us. The body uses pain, discomfort, and dis-ease rather than words to tell us that some of our thoughts and beliefs are not in alignment with the Truth of who we are; that they are limiting us rather than supporting and encouraging us to be all that we can be. Once we understand the message that our body is trying to convey, and make the appropriate changes regarding the limiting beliefs, our body’s innate wisdom automatically begins to restore all levels to a state of optimal health. Just as when we get a paper cut on our finger and the cut heals without any effort on our part, the body’s innate wisdom restores health and balance to any acquired problem we may be experiencing, and just as effortlessly as the cut on our finger, when we allow.  (For a variety of reasons, additional, outside forms of assistance are sometimes necessary and/or helpful.)

Frances Kathryn can assist in the insight as to the cause of any physical problems that you may be having, as well as clearing any areas of blocked energy which may not have yet progressed into physical problems.  Specific areas of concern that you may have identified at time of ordering or at onset of session will also be addressed.  A Psychic Body Scanning™  and Recalibration™  is $300 for a 45 minute session by phone or in person.